Thursday, 15 December 2016

Fail to prepare and prepare to fail

I was heartened this week to read the article in The Times by veteran (I hope he will forgive me for saying so) commentator David Smith in which he defended the role of economic forecasters (here). As he pointed out, forecasts may be wrong – indeed, they often are – but they need to be made. In my view, the trick is to know how to present the central case as one outcome amongst many possible paths, rather than focus solely on the one deemed to be the most likely.

This is a critical point. Indeed, part of the frustration which economists have is that their forecasts are often misrepresented. We know we don’t know precisely what the future holds and we are more than happy to say so – it’s just that quite often, that is not what people want to hear (I refer you to my post from July, here). Frequently, economic forecasts are treated with a reverence which they do not deserve. Indeed, this takes us to the heart of one of the subjects I have written about extensively on this blog: The criticisms levelled at some areas of macroeconomics and the degree of attention which we should pay to the work of economic practitioners. They are two different issues and we must be careful not to mix them up.

Whilst I admire the intellectual content of a lot of academic work, my criticism is that it too much of it is arcane and tries to dress up simple analysis in abstract mathematical terms. Practitioners tend to eschew the overly complicated – not because we don’t understand it (though sometimes that might be the case), but partly because we operate under greater time and resource constraints which mean that our analysis falls short of the standards which academics set for themselves. Most of us do have an understanding of the academic material but choose which parts we can use and which parts we can afford to ignore.

But the criticism of economics by outsiders is different. They argue that because we get things wrong, our forecasts are not to be trusted. And that is why (to quote Michal Gove) "we've all had enough of experts." I thus took great exception to an argument used by the FT journalist Wolfgang Munchau who suggested that "Because of a tendency to exaggerate, macroeconomists are no longer considered experts on the macroeconomy." Let's just stop and think about this. Exaggerate what exactly? The pre-Brexit exaggeration came from politicians (George Osborne in particular) who blew up work by the likes of the Treasury to imply it said something it did not. The analysis said that UK output would be anywhere between 4% and 7.5% below that which would otherwise result if we stayed in the EU, over a 15 year horizon. That is a significant welfare loss, but it probably means that the UK would grow at around the same rate as the euro zone rather than what we have experienced here in recent years.

The press is not immune from the tendency to exaggerate. Economists are routinely described as "experts" and forecasts treated with undue reverence – until they turn out to be wrong and are dismissed with Gove-like contempt. Indeed, this term "expert" appears to have a recent provenance and I don't remember being described as such until relatively recently. As a case in point, consider this quote from The Observer suggesting that "Ongoing uncertainty over the manner of the UK’s departure from the EU is likely to weigh down the property market in 2017, say experts, who predict little or no growth in prices amid a slowdown in sales." (here). It is more accurate to say that those who work in the property industry have given an educated guess, based on their experience and knowledge, of what they expect to happen. It’s not as sexy as being an expert but it’s closer to the truth.

Whilst I have done my fair share of forecasting over the years – some of which was accurate, a lot of which was not – we have to recognise that economics is not a predictive discipline. Economists have no better idea than the next person what will happen next week or next year. But what we can do is put issues into context, based on past experience, and we try to offer an evidence-based view of what might happen in future. That does not guarantee we will be right. But as director of the NIESR, Jagjit Chadha, has pointed out “It is quite obvious that we cannot know the future. But it is equally obvious that we cannot afford not to think and plan for the future.” In other words, fail to prepare and prepare to fail.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Think healthy

The journalist AA Gill died at the weekend after a short battle with cancer. His final article was published posthumously in the most recent issue of The Sunday Times, describing how he coped with his fatal illness. What was particularly striking about the article (the gist of which you can get from the BBC here or The Guardian here) is the description of how cancer survival rates in the UK are the lowest in western Europe. The doctor who treated him noted that the reasons for such a poor performance are due to “the nature of the health service” which imposes such a huge administrative burden that it hampers early diagnosis of the disease which is so vital to successful treatment.

Many foreign people of my acquaintance do not share the same reverence which the Brits show for the National Health Service. This is in no way to denigrate the professionalism of those who work in it. The doctors, nurses and all other medical staff do a wonderful job saving lives and healing the sick – but they work in a system which is dysfunctional, as many NHS employees readily admit. As Gill himself noted, the Brits lie to themselves about the quality of the service they receive. “We say it’s the envy of the world. It isn’t. We say there’s nothing else like it. There is. We say it’s the best in the West. It’s not. We think it’s the cheapest. It isn’t … You will live longer in France and Germany, get treated faster and more comfortably in Scandinavia.”

When it was founded in 1948, it offered a genuinely revolutionary approach to health provision in the west. But precisely because it is free at the point of consumption, it has always struggled with questions of “how best to organise and manage the service, how to fund it adequately, how to balance the often conflicting demands and expectations of patients, staff and taxpayer [and] how to ensure finite resources are targeted where they are most needed.” (source: Geoffrey Rivett, here). As treatment becomes more expensive and the population gets older the pressure on resources becomes more intense. The current government has opted to ring-fence NHS spending (but not welfare spending – we’ll do that another day) but continues to struggle to reform the system. No politician has yet had the courage to impose charges as a means of regulating near-infinite demand, such is the totemic importance of the NHS to the British electorate.

Precisely because resources are finite, Gill was denied treatment on the NHS which may well have prolonged his life because it was deemed too expensive. The cost of providing him with a drug called Nivomulab would have amounted to between £60k and £100k per year – four times the cost of traditional chemotherapy. And this is where economics comes in. Health economists are employed in the NHS to ensure that best use is made of the resources available. It is a job which needs to be done. After all, if economics is (at least partially) about the study of the allocation of scarce resources, then health issues would appear to be highly amenable to the scrutiny of economists.

But Johannes Bircher at the University of Bern argues that we do not actually know what health is (here) and therefore it is not a commodity which can be priced: After all, we cannot produce, obtain, exchange, sell or store it. Such an approach rather undermines the assumptions underlying Kenneth Arrow’s classic 1963 paper (here) which treats health as a commodity – albeit one with different characteristics to normal consumer goods.

My own issue with the field of health economics stems back to my undergraduate days and questions of cost-benefit analysis, because I have always struggled with the question of how you put a price on life. No matter what form of valuation you use, no amount of money can ever compensate for the very essence of being. This is not a question for economists – it is one for the philosophers. 

All that aside, Gill showed a remarkable degree of stoicism in facing up to his fate and wrote that he was happy for the last 30 years of life, having broken his alcohol dependency cycle in the mid-1980s. For a man who wrote so wittily and so scathingly on a range of subjects, it is only fitting that we leave the last word to him on a subject we all know and love so well – Brexit. “We all know what ‘getting our country back’ means. It’s snorting a line of the most pernicious and debilitating Little English drug, nostalgia. The warm, crumbly, honey-coloured, collective “yesterday” with its fond belief that everything was better back then, that Britain (England, really) is a worse place now than it was at some foggy point in the past where we achieved peak Blighty.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

The beatings will continue until morale improves

The ECB’s decision to extend its asset purchases beyond next March, albeit at a slower pace, is seen in some quarters as a tapering announcement and is viewed by others as a further round of monetary easing. To recap, the ECB announced that it will extend its asset purchases to December 2017, rather than end in March, but at a rate of €60bn per month rather than the current pace of €80bn. Technically, a reduced pace of asset purchases is a form of tapering. But let us not forget that when the ECB began its purchases last year, it was initially buying at a monthly rate of €60bn. I am inclined to view the announcement this week as continued monetary expansion rather than a precursor of tapering.

Looking more closely at the statement issued by the ECB (here) the presumption is that it will have to do more rather than less. Purchases will continue to December 2017 “or beyond, if necessary” and “if … the outlook becomes less favourable … the Governing Council intends to increase the programme in terms of size and/or duration.” Nowhere does it say that the central bank will scale back purchases if the outlook improves or if inflation picks up more quickly than anticipated. In that sense, it is an asymmetric commitment.

Increasingly, I get the sense that the ECB is out of step. It came late to the QE party, beginning asset purchases only in 2015 whereas the Fed and BoE started in 2009. The Fed has long since ended its asset purchase programme, and the BoE announced only a modest expansion in August in the wake of the EU referendum, having been on hold for much of the preceding four years. There is also clear evidence that the bang for the buck (or euro) diminishes the more QE is undertaken. Indeed, the BIS made precisely this point in its 2016 Annual Report (here, see p72). As it pointed out, “there are natural limits … to how far interest rates can be pushed into negative territory, central bank balance sheets expanded, spreads compressed and asset prices boosted. And there are limits to how far spending can be brought forward from the future. As these limits are approached, the marginal effect of policy tends to decline, and any side effects – whether strictly economic or of a political economy nature – tend to rise.

The problem is not all of the ECB’s doing. Successive Presidents have been making the point since the ECB’s inception in 1999 that governments need to do more to reform their economies. And they simply have not done so. This mirrors comments by BoE Governor Carney who made a similar point regarding the UK (as I noted here). But the need for reform is far more acute in the euro zone. In a fixed exchange rate system, the burden of adjustment for economic problems falls squarely on the domestic labour market; No longer can countries rely on a weaker exchange rate to bail them out. Italy is a case in point, where the economy has barely grown in the last 16 years, and where politicians have been frustrated in their efforts to reform the domestic economy by groups with a vested interest in preserving the status quo (notably the unions). Whilst you have to feel a bit sorry for well-meaning politicians such as Matteo Renzi, it is hardly a surprise when electorates turn on their politicians as the Italians did last weekend in the constitutional reform referendum.

However, there is growing concern in Germany that the euro zone is morphing into a transfer union, as surplus countries continue to prop up the ailing southern peripherals. Technically, this is true. But this is also a necessary condition for the euro zone to survive. Not all countries can run external surpluses, and they certainly cannot all run surpluses against each other. In the absence of these transfers, the euro zone is just another fixed currency regime which will inevitably fall apart. Suggestions last week from German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble that Greece must carry out structural reforms instead of receiving debt relief are to entirely miss the point about the nature of the problems which it faces. Greece is labouring under such a huge debt burden (182% of GDP) that unless part of it is written off, it will simply default. Period! And most people know it.

ECB President Draghi may be pilloried for running a policy which appears to benefit “profligate” southern European countries, but he is stepping into the void created by politicians who are not doing anything to support the economy via fiscal policy or structural reform. Without his efforts, the euro zone would be in an even sorrier state. But as the BIS analysis suggests, economies cannot live on monetary policy alone. And all this does raise genuine existential concerns for the future of the euro zone. We used to talk of Grexit long before we had even heard of Brexit but all the problems which the region has dealt with in the last seven years are still there. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Those sixties weren't so great

Bank of England Governor Carney delivered an interesting speech this week (here) in which he took a closer look at the reasons behind the rise in populist responses to our current economic ills. None of it was particularly new, but it was illuminating for the fact that a heavyweight economic policymaker addressed the issues in a more rational fashion than I have yet heard from most politicians.

Most of the newspaper headlines focused on his one killer statistic that in the UK we are currently experiencing “the first lost decade since the 1860s.” (Clearly those sixties were not all about flower power). Carney used the excellent BoE database (here) to show that real wages over the last ten years have grown at their slowest rate since the mid-nineteenth century. And as I have long argued, although productivity performance has been lousy it has at least outstripped real wage growth, which suggests that workers have not been compensated for their efforts. Indeed, the share of wage and salary income in UK GDP (technically, gross valued added at factor cost, but let’s not overcomplicate things) has fallen from around 58% in 2011 to 56.5% in 2015.

Carney makes the valid point that although economists are unshakeable in their belief that society benefits from free trade, not everybody benefits equally. As he put it, “the benefits from trade are unequally spread across individuals and time.” So far as I am concerned, he is preaching to the converted: Those of us who recall the wholesale destruction of large parts of the UK manufacturing base in the 1980s need no reminding that there were significant adjustment costs as those losing their jobs had nowhere else to turn. Some people were eventually forced to relocate to find work; others had to wait for new local opportunities to arise. Viewed from 30 years on, many of the economic scars have healed as the UK macroeconomic data show that real incomes per head are almost double the levels of the early-1980s. But at the time the local dislocation was huge, and today it is not just the UK which is facing these problems: It is an issue across the whole of (what is still euphemistically called) the industrialised world.

Those who argue that markets will always adjust often overlook the fact that the longer-term gains are smaller than they appear when offset against the short-term costs. The pace of technological change magnifies these impacts. If people are concerned that their jobs can be replaced by machines, they are bound to become fearful and resentful. This is, of course, not new as the Luddite movement of the early 19th century demonstrates (here for a quick overview). We should also take encouragement from the fact that societies have usually managed to accommodate technological advances relatively easily. But this will not happen if we continue to plod down the same unimaginative policy path that we have been following in recent decades.

Before turning to what needs to be done, Carney defended the role of monetary policy by arguing that it “has offset all of the headwinds to growth arising from private deleveraging, fiscal consolidation and subdued world growth.  People haven’t been made poorer.” But he noted that they feel worse off because productivity growth remains subdued. Recall Paul Krugman’s line that “productivity isn’t everything, but in the long run it is almost everything.  A country’s ability to improve its standard of living over time depends almost entirely on its ability to raise its output per worker.” (Actually that is true only if workers are compensated for their productivity performance which, at least in the UK, has not been true in recent years).

Carney thus believes that efforts to boost productivity are an important element in generating an economic turnaround. Quite how we achieve this is not so easy to identify and we will revisit it another time. However, his conclusion was a sharp retort to the recent criticisms which have been put his way by politicians: “To address the deeper causes of weak growth, higher inequality and rising insecurity requires a globalisation that works for all. For the societies of free-trading, networked countries to prosper, they must first re-distribute some of the gains from trade and technology, and then re-skill and reconnect all of their citizens. By doing so, they can put individuals back in control.” This is an interesting twist on the take-back-control of the Brexiteers, and I have to say I agree with the Governor on this one.

It is just a pity that such a cogent analysis of the UK’s ills was left until almost six months after the referendum. But when it takes the Governor of the Bank of England to point out that “we must grow our economy by rebalancing the mix of monetary policy, fiscal policy and structural reform,” this strikes me as a sad indictment of a political class which continues to deflect the blame for years of policy neglect onto the EU.

Saturday, 3 December 2016

Better not call Paul

Paul Samuelson was quite clearly a brilliant man and one of the most influential economists of the twentieth century. His magnum opus, Foundations of Economic Analysis published in 1947, was one of the first rigorous mathematical treatments of important economic concepts. But for all its undoubted brilliance, I have long thought that Samuelson's work was one of the worst things to happen to economics.

This is not to denigrate his work. Samuelson produced some original insight in fields as diverse as consumer theory, welfare economics, public finance and international trade issues. Rather the problem is that he spawned a number of imitators who, captivated by the elegance of his work, attempted to replicate his mathematics rather than his economic insights with the result that academic economics became ever more algebraically rigorous. As Lo and Mueller (2010, here) have pointed out, whilst economics has become much more rigorous and "has led to a number of important breakthroughs ...  ‘physics envy’ has also created a false sense of mathematical precision".

This level of abstraction was part of the reason why the severity of the market crash of 2008 came as such a surprise. As Goldman Sachs' CFO commented in the Financial Times in August 2007 "We are seeing things that were 25-standard deviation moves, several days in a row." Andy Haldane, the Bank of England's chief economist, later pointed out: "Assuming a normal distribution, a 7.26-sigma daily loss would be expected to occur once every 13.7 billion or so years. That is roughly the estimated age of the universe. A 25-sigma event would be expected to occur once every 6x10124 lives of the universe. That is quite a lot of human histories." In simple terms, the risk models used at the time were using the wrong statistical distribution to model risk and making firm conclusions based upon it.

It is thus no surprise that attempts have been made to reclaim the centre ground of economics. A recently-published book entitled Econocracy: The Perils of Leaving Economics to the Experts (here), attempts to redress the balance. As the authors note: “Politics and policymaking are conducted in the language of economics and economic logic shapes how political issues are thought about and addressed. The result is that the majority of citizens, who cannot speak this language, are locked out of politics while political decisions are increasingly devolved to experts.”

A letter in the Financial Times (here) recently made a similar point, arguing that "the folly of mainstream economists is their pretence to emulate the natural sciences, presuming to be value free." The author, Yeomin Yoon of Seton Hall University in New Jersey, noted that current practice increasingly deviates from the teachings of Alfred Marshall, who argued: “(1) Use mathematics as a shorthand language, rather than as an engine of inquiry. (2) Keep to them till you have done. (3) Translate into English. (4) Then illustrate by examples that are important in real life. (5) Burn the mathematics. (6) If you can’t succeed in 4, burn 3 … I think you should do all you can to prevent people from using mathematics in cases in which the English language is as short as the mathematical.” Given that Marshall was no mean mathematician himself that is a pretty powerful argument.

Whilst it is easy to be critical of academic economics for creating a level of abstraction that so many people feel unable to relate to, and as a consequence feel able to ignore (as we saw during the Brexit discussions), the future may not be so bleak. Macroeconomics may be operating in an intellectual cul-de-sac (said the macroeconomist) but matters are not helped by the fact that too many people outside the profession expect economists to be able to predict the future with an unreasonable degree of accuracy. Rather than the study of abstract macroeconomic quantities with highly politicised connotations, the roots of economics lie in the study of how people make decisions. As a result, the discipline of microeconomics is thriving. The new and exciting field is behavioural economics where experimentation rather than algebra is used to tease out some of the newest ideas in economic thinking.

Economics is a discipline which has traditionally borrowed ideas from other areas. For a long time, perhaps, it borrowed too much from mathematics and the physical sciences, but by going back to its roots as a social science and borrowing ideas from psychology, the revolution which so many people are calling for may actually already be happening.

Friday, 2 December 2016

Don't make the same mistakes twice

"It is not difficult to indicate the reasons why business last year passed through periods of great anxiety. Under the strain of almost uninterrupted political tension … the state of the world is feverish rather than healthy; and whatever recovery may be seen is anything but steadfast, since it is dependent on the use of stimulants on the one hand and interrupted by grave disturbances on the other. In the face of grim reality in Europe there is decidedly less belief in experimentation with new methods of economic policy.”

This summary of the global conjuncture by the Bank for International Settlements sounds all too familiar. But it was taken from the Annual Report released in May 1939 (here). Indeed, although we should not overdo the parallels with the 1930s, there are a number of worrying economic developments which investors ignore at their peril – and they are not the obvious ones which spring to mind when we talk about the concerns of that particular decade.

It is, however, difficult to overlook the fact that the problems today and in 1939 were triggered by a huge financial crash and compounded by policy errors. Fiscal policy was criticised for being too tight both in the wake of the 1929 crash and again today. In 1931, President Hoover’s State of the Union message noted that “even with increased taxation, the Government will reach the utmost safe limit of its borrowing capacity by the expenditures for which we are already obligated... To go further than these limits ... will destroy confidence.” Today it is European fiscal policy which is accused of not stepping up to the plate. 

Ironically, one of the lessons of the 1930s, derived from the work of economists led by Keynes, was that government had a role to play in the economic cycle by stepping in to make up for any shortfall in aggregate demand. It has always struck me as bizarre that these insights, which prompted Keynes to write The General Theory, should be ignored at a time when the economic cycle shows some similarities with the macroeconomics of the Great Depression. There is also an irony in that both in the 1930s and again today, it is monetary policy which comes in for great criticism. Between 1930 and 1933 the Fed was accused of running an overly restrictive monetary stance. Today, the world’s major central banks are accused of being too lax.

Protectionist sentiment is also rising up the agenda once more. Donald Trump made “promises” on the campaign trail which were nothing short of protectionist (“I would tax China on products coming in … let me tell you what the tax should be … the tax should be 45 percent.”) Of course, this is a response to concerns that US jobs are being “exported” to lower cost economies in much the same way as occurred in the wake of the 1929 crash. Back then, this resulted in the signing into law of the US Tariff Act of 1930 which did a lot of damage to world trade volumes as other countries retaliated against the raising of US import tariffs. It is a sobering thought that in the last four years, the rate of global export growth has posted its slowest multi-year growth rate since the 1930s (see chart).

None of this means that current economic conditions will lead inexorably to the same outcomes as in the 1930s. But we should not ignore the role of fiscal policy in helping to promote recovery – as the OECD noted in the latest edition of its Economic Outlook, released this week. And as the discussions over Brexit continue, some British ministers appear to think that a world of tariffs (albeit low ones) is preferable to belonging to a system without any, so long as they can achieve their own version of economic nationalism. Most economists believe that this will result in a loss of British economic welfare, but just as the likes of US economist Irving Fisher were initially ignored for pointing out the same thing in 1930, so no-one in government appears willing to engage in a rational debate about the costs of Brexit.

Economists of my era were taught that the 1930s were a decade of collective madness and that we had learned the lessons of that benighted period, and would not repeat them again. But history has a habit of making fools of us all. However, we can only hope for rationality to begin to reassert itself before we make even bigger economic mistakes from which it becomes more difficult to recover.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Life at the bottom in the 21st century

It says in The Bible that the poor are always with us. As the fallout from the bursting of the Great Debt Bubble continues to spread, we begin to realise just how many people in western societies are indeed poor. Obviously, we cannot compare poverty levels to those of Victorian Britain: There have been significant improvements in public sanitation, health and education which have lifted millions across the world out of the desperate poverty which prevailed at the end of the nineteenth century. It is treated today as a relative problem: Those earning less than 60% of the national median income are defined as “poor”. It seems, however, that there are a lot of them about.

There has long been a puritan streak in western societies which blames the poor themselves for their lot. You see this in large sections of the British press, which has for many years called for an end to state distributed largesse – a view which has percolated into the mainstream of the Conservative party. You see it in Germany, where the terms imposed on the Greek debt bailout were designed to bring the Greeks to their senses so that they would not fall from the path of fiscal righteousness in future.

Yet it is not always easy to determine where to draw the line between offering self-help and financial support, primarily because people find themselves struggling for different reasons. An alcoholic and a divorcee may face very similar financial problems but very different personal circumstances. Moreover, lack of money is not the only cause of poverty: Social exclusion is a powerful factor reinforcing the downward spiral. How often do we hear tales of people who lose their job and end up living on the street? (Answer: More often than we should in a developed economy).

There are those who argue that UK government policy, which has hacked away at the welfare bill in order to get public finances under control, threatens to exacerbate the UK’s poverty problem. This is not wholly without foundation but also not the whole truth. The Labour government of 1997-2010 did try to reform the welfare system to simultaneously get more people into work whilst providing support for the poorest in society. But by 2013, the UK was spending more on family benefits as a percentage of GDP than any other OECD nation. Moreover, the system was extremely complicated, relying heavily as it did on a series of tax credits and a variety of taper rates with welfare support progressively withdrawn as individuals entered paid employment.

There is general agreement that the system needed reform and the Conservative-Lib Dem coalition government of 2010-15 began the process.  Its centrepiece was a system called Universal Credit which was designed to replace a number of other benefits whilst also being less generous than the previous system. But although it was announced in 2010, it still has not been fully rolled out and as the Institute for Fiscal Studies has pointed out, “changes to its future design have been … apparently at chancellorial whim.” Furthermore, one of the government’s first policy actions in 2010 was to restrict access to Legal Aid – a state supported means of financing access to the legal system to those who would otherwise be unable to afford representation. Combined with rising legal costs, this has contributed to restricting access to the justice system (see here for a summary of the Bach Commission analysis).

A less generous welfare system, coupled with implementation delays and restricted access to the legal system means that voluntary organisations such as Citizen’s Advice have been overwhelmed, with the majority of their cases dealing with debt-related issues. CA reckons that one in every five pounds on disputed debt which they deal with is owed to government (here). Indeed, Council Tax arrears (a local tax) are now the most common source of personal debt. This is partly the result of national reductions in benefit payments but also local council cuts in discounts offered to vulnerable groups and reliefs to low-income residents, which in turn is the result of funding cuts by central government.

Moreover, CA “found evidence of poor practice, including a lack of consideration given to whether people can afford repayments and people forced to pay a debt when it is under dispute.” Whilst government would doubtless argue that the debts they are trying to reclaim (such as Council Tax) are classed as priority debt that can result in serious legal action if not settled, the net result is to push people further into debt. It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the system is creaking at the seams.

It is no wonder that anger is rising amongst the so-called just-about-managing (JAM) households. A policy of getting benefit dependent households back into work, as the government desires, is laudable. But what sorts of jobs are available for them? Globalisation has wiped out the decently paid jobs for low-skilled workers, many of whom feel that work does not pay. At the same time, benefits are being squeezed.

Whilst from a macro perspective the policy is being conducted for the right reasons, it is also leading to a series of unintended consequences. As one case worker said to me, “it’s as if the government does not really understand the magnitude of the problems which the JAMs face.” That being the case, failure to get to grips with the social consequences of fiscal austerity measures could have far more profound political effects than the Brexit decision. And the fact that this problem is being repeated to a greater or lesser degree in many other industrialised countries is a matter of great concern.